question. how do you respond when someone offers you something to eat that you know you don't like... and you know you definitely don't wanna eat it?
- do you simply say "no, thank you" with a smile and hope they leave it at that (which we all know they never do.)?
- do you make a face along with some explanation like "yuck!" or "gross!"?
- do you lie (like my dad always did), and tell them you're allergic?
i always try to stick to option one, but it rarely gets left at that... people who like certain things seem appalled, and sometimes even offended, that you don't have the exact same tastes in food... it's kinda funny :)
for those of you that get offended when people don't like some food item you're offering, (a) please just accept their "no, thank you" and move on; (b) don't try to convince them of its deliciousness... they already know it is not delicious... to them; and (c) please stop being offended... it's not a personal affront on you...
here's some stuff that i don't like... in no particular order... please don't be offended...
brussels sprouts... i keep trying to like them, but i just don't...
raisins... ugh. why do people insist on ruining cookies and cinnamon rolls with these heinous, ugly, little creatures?
hambugers... or really any ground up meat... in any configuration... |
milk chocolate... is it even really chocolate? |
sour cream & onion potato chips... they also smell gross... |
oreos... or more specifically, the gross, waxy, white nastiness in the middle... i DO like the chocolate cookie part, though :)
jelly beans... worst. texture. ever. |
raw celery... who wants all those strings in their teeth? and your jaw KILLS from chewing F.O.R.E.V.E.R.
cadbury creme eggs... similar to the oreo, wth is that nasty white (and yellow) oozy stuff in the middle... it pretty much looks like snot... so, no thank you... and gross.
fake, chemically-processed sugar substitutes... not only are they horrible for your body, they leave a grody after-taste...
french fries... i know, weird, but i just don't care about them... except for about once every 12-18 months... then i'm done...
chocolate cereal... i don't understand it... and it tastes like dirt.
the banana runts... why? they taste like crap... all the other fruits are delicious, however! |
eggplant... it's such a pretty color on the outside, all aubergine-y and stuff, so why does it have to taste so gross? and be so slimy when it's cooked?
I know there are hundreds of other foods I won't eat, but these are the ones that came to mind today... what foods don't you like? comment below...
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